Every year we are all guilty of making New Year resolutions that don’t last, from getting fit in January which is forgotten about by February. Time to change those resolutions to being about self-improvement to self-knowledge. These are resolutions worth keeping.
Neil Seligman mindfulness teacher and author of the conscious leadership shared his advice with the readers of Glamour that we want to share with you. Seligman shares some wise words of wisdom and why resolutions rarely last “ When we forget about our reside in a permanent state of perfection and create resolutions with the intention of self-improvement, our commitments tend to be underpinned by our own negative judgments and laced with self-rejection.”
Well how do I make a resolution that lasts you ask?
The key is to make them about self-knowledge and personal development, which are positive and genuine. Resolutions that are expressed positively last. The universe doesn’t understand negative intentions. For example, trying not to eat chocolate, the universe hears you want to eat chocolate. Try expressing positively trying to eat healthier food instead of ruling it out. Try his 10 mindful resolutions with some tips from Benito HQ which will make you feel empowered and a resolution you will be proud of not to have given up on.
1. Listen to your body
Our body is our temple, and we should be listening to it. It tells us when we are hungry, thirsty and hungry. It’s time to listen and respond to your body.
2. Saying “No”
Ever feel like you have to say yes to a social event you really don’t want to go to which makes you feel worse after attending. Then it’s time to strengthen your “No’. Be true to yourself. By saying “No” it creates space for the things for you and make you feel better (much better then attending the patronising and nosey family friend’s dinner party).
3. Declutter and Detox
Time to recycle, repurpose, gift or throw away to circulate the energy around you.This is everything from your overcrowded wardrobe, to that drawer everyone has filled with all sorts that needs sorting. Time to ask yourself what percentage of things you own do you really use or need? Make this a reoccurring resolution and make the percentage increase each year.
4. Be Curious
Life is full of self-leadership and self-realisation which makes us who we are. Reflect back on the last year of what did you learn about yourself, and what do you want to discover this year? This year it’s time to book that trip, and learn those new skills you have always wanted to learn. Let 2020 be a year of learning and discovering.
5.Take Care Of You
Time to think about what you say and visualise it as energy which impacts you. If you want to experience a year with more happiness it’s time to be happier. To start being happier it will start with you. Let go of negative self-talk it’s about self-love. As Ru Paul says “If you don’t love yourself how the hell are you going to love anyone else. Can I get an Amen up in here”?
6. Discover who you are
Time to explore your inner world of consciousness. Mediation is a great way for discovering the mind, emotions, thoughts and intentions. Try booking a mediation class or try an at home app to help you on your way.
7. Be a Creative Cookie
Time you to get your creative side out and choose one artist project to get stuck into.
8. Prioritise Wellbeing
Even if you have avoided the winter illness or January Blues a plan of maintenance is essential. Who is on your wellbeing list? This should include anything from GP, and Dentist to your Benito Brow Technician of course. Make a list and book your appointments.
9. Time to Move Alignment
Alignment is quite different to success. Alignment is deeper at connecting to your state compared to success, and less about ego. Alignment unlike success once you have it you don’t need others to say well done. Find it by aligning who you are by what you think, say and do.
10. Guided by Happiness
This year ensure you have the experiences, people and conversations that make you feel happy.
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