You NEED to see the latest eyebrow trends of 2017

You NEED to see the latest eyebrow trends of 2017

Eyebrows have taken over Instagram this year and we’re only in May! From feather brows to dragon brows and even breadcrumb brows, here’s a list of the brow trends that have swept the internet so far. – Feather Brows Make-up artist on...
Wigs for your eyebrows?!

Wigs for your eyebrows?!

From brow carving to microblading, there’s been some pretty ‘out there’ eyebrow trends as of late – but the latest one may be the most odd yet: brow wigs. NataliesOutlet/YouTube Brow wigs, which are...
Just Browsin Gold is BACK!

Just Browsin Gold is BACK!

Our popular Just Browsin Gold package is back for one month only! Give your eyebrows a fuller, more defined shape while saving time and money when visiting the Brow Bar! After a full consultation to gauge your desired shape and colour, we’ll tint your brows,...
Why You Should Always Wash Your Makeup Brushes

Why You Should Always Wash Your Makeup Brushes

We know what you’re all thinking, whyyyyy does cleaning make-up brushes/tools have to be a a thing? *cue big sigh*. Okay, we all hate cleaning our make-up brushes and tools but it NEEDS to be done, more often than you think actually. At the brow bars we use...